what is china's relative and absolute location?

China is in eastern Asia, bordering the Pacific Ocean. It is surrounded by many countries, including Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Myanmar, and North Korea.

Absolute location: 35 00 N, 105 00 E

thank you, where did you get this information?

I got the relative location by looking at a map of Asia.

Here's the source of the absolute location.


oh, thank you so much, you have helped me alot :)

You're very welcome.

China's relative location refers to its position in relation to other countries or regions. China is situated in Eastern Asia, bordered by 14 countries including Russia, India, and Vietnam. It also has coastlines along the Pacific Ocean, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea.

On the other hand, China's absolute location refers to its precise geographic coordinates on the Earth's surface. China lies between latitudes 18° N and 53° N, and longitudes 73° E and 135° E. The capital city, Beijing, is approximately at latitude 39.9° N and longitude 116.4° E. These coordinates specify China's exact position on the Earth's grid system.

To find China's relative location, you can refer to a world map or use online mapping tools. Simply look for the country in Eastern Asia and note the surrounding nations and bodies of water.

To determine China's absolute location, you can use various methods. One common approach is to utilize GPS coordinates or digital mapping services like Google Maps. By searching for specific cities or landmarks in China, you can obtain the precise latitude and longitude information.