how many movements are there in a tone poem

a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four

i think the answer is a. one


To determine how many movements are typically found in a tone poem, we need to understand what a tone poem is. A tone poem, also known as a symphonic poem, is a genre of orchestral music that tells a story or describes a concept, scene, or emotion. Unlike traditional symphonies, tone poems do not follow a specific structure or form.

Typically, tone poems consist of a single movement, which means that option a. "one" is the most common answer. However, it is important to note that there are exceptions to this generalization. Some composers may divide a tone poem into multiple sections or movements, while others might create multi-movement works that are still considered tone poems.

In summary, the answer to your question is a. one, but it's worth noting that exceptions exist in the world of music composition.