28. Natural selection causes

a. changes in the environment
b. plants and animals to produce more offpsring than can survive
c. changes in the frequency of certain favorable characteristics in a population
d. all of the above

30. When Darwin published his theory of evolution, he included all of the following ideas EXCEPT the idea that
a. species change slowly over time
b. some organisms become less suited to their environment than others
c. evolution occurs in spurts after major environmental change
d. some organisms reproduce at a greater rate than others
A or D?


For question 28, the correct answer is option d. Natural selection causes all of the above. To determine this answer, you first need to understand what natural selection is. Natural selection is a key mechanism of evolution where individuals with certain favorable variations are more likely to survive, reproduce, and pass on their traits to the next generation. Over time, this process can lead to changes in the population.

To understand why option a is correct, natural selection can indeed cause changes in the environment. For example, if a population of birds evolved longer beaks to reach food in a new environment, their feeding behavior could cause changes to the environment by altering the distribution or availability of certain food sources.

Option b is also correct because natural selection can lead to an increase in the number of offspring produced by a population. This idea is captured by the concept of "survival of the fittest", where individuals who are better adapted to their environment tend to have more offspring that survive to reproductive age.

Lastly, option c is correct because natural selection causes changes in the frequency of certain favorable characteristics in a population. The traits that increase an organism's chances of survival and reproduction will become more common in the population over time. This is how species become better adapted to their environment through the process of natural selection.

Now let's move on to question 30. The correct answer is option c. Darwin did not include the idea that evolution occurs in spurts after major environmental change in his initial theory of evolution.

Option a, which states that species change slowly over time, is indeed one of the key ideas presented by Darwin in his theory of evolution. This concept is known as gradualism, where species gradually accumulate small changes over time to result in large changes in the long run.

Option b, which suggests that some organisms become less suited to their environment than others, is also consistent with Darwin's theory. This idea is related to natural selection, where individuals with traits that are less advantageous for their environment are less likely to survive and reproduce.

Option d, which states that some organisms reproduce at a greater rate than others, is also supported by Darwin's theory. This is the core idea behind the concept of differential reproductive success, where individuals with favorable traits have more offspring and pass on those traits to the next generation at a higher rate.

So, in summary, the correct answers are:
Question 28: d. all of the above
Question 30: c. evolution occurs in spurts after major environmental change.

28. The correct answer is d. all of the above.

Natural selection causes changes in the environment by selecting for certain traits that are better adapted to the environment. It also leads to plants and animals producing more offspring than can survive, which creates competition for resources and allows the most fit individuals to survive and reproduce. Additionally, natural selection results in changes in the frequency of certain favorable characteristics in a population over time.

30. The correct answer is c. evolution occurs in spurts after major environmental change.

When Darwin published his theory of evolution, he included the idea that species change slowly over time (option a), some organisms become less suited to their environment than others (option b), and some organisms reproduce at a greater rate than others (option d). However, Darwin did not propose that evolution occurs in spurts after major environmental change. This idea is known as punctuated equilibrium and was proposed later by Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge.

You missed them both.

Is your home school religious based? Evolution is not a word Darwin used. He used the noun "evolved" just once in Origin of the Species. Darwin never published a theory of evolution, nor used those words. Those words came years later, who wanted to put forth their ideas, using Darwin's ideas on natural selection to explain how diverse traits seemed to be favored by survival or reproductive rate over other traits.

Now on 28, my response to your A or D comment is ....groan....how possibly could natural selection of certain traits in animals or plants lead to changes in the environment? Most of us view changes in the environment causing changes in animals or plants, sometimes leading to their demise.