When determining wpm (words per minute), does it include typing numbers and symbols (!,@,#...)?


Apparently they count if they are in the text you are typing.

When determining words per minute (wpm), it typically only includes alphanumeric characters, such as letters and standard punctuation marks like commas and periods. Numbers and symbols like (!,@,#...) are generally not counted separately as words.

To calculate your wpm, follow these steps:

1. Choose a passage to read or a typing test specifically designed for measuring wpm.
2. Set a timer for a specific amount of time, usually one minute.
3. Start reading the passage or typing the given text.
4. As you read or type, keep track of the number of words you have read or typed in that designated time frame.
5. Once the time is up, stop reading or typing and note the number of words you have processed.
6. Divide the number of words by the minutes to find your wpm.

For example, if you've read or typed 200 words in one minute, your wpm would be 200.

Remember, for accurate wpm measurements, it's essential to focus on accuracy and not sacrifice it for speed.