Two cars start from the same place and travel in the same direction. If one car travels at 60 miles per hour and the other travels at 45 miles per hour, in how many hours will they be 60 miles apart?

See answer to "Vinnie"

1hr and 45 mins.

To find how many hours it will take for the two cars to be 60 miles apart, you can use the concept of relative speed.

The relative speed between the two cars is the difference between their individual speeds. In this case, the relative speed between the cars is 60 mph - 45 mph = 15 mph.

Since the cars are traveling in the same direction, their relative speed represents how quickly they are moving apart from each other.

To determine the time it takes for them to be 60 miles apart, you need to divide the distance (60 miles) by the relative speed (15 mph):

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 60 miles / 15 mph

Calculating this equation:

Time = 4 hours

Therefore, it will take 4 hours for the two cars to be 60 miles apart.