
genus:kind:: model:

Please note we do NOT do homework. We'll be glad to HELP you with this assignment after you've shown us what you think are the answers.

And in addition to what YOU THINK the answers are, you also need to let us know what the choices for each one are. Usually, there are four choices to select from in order to complete each analogy.

Absolve is to jury as what is to what?


To solve analogies, we need to understand the relationship between the given words and find a similar relationship in the answer choices.

1. beautiful:pretty::obliterate:
To find the relationship between the words "beautiful" and "pretty," we can see that they are synonyms, with "pretty" being slightly less intense than "beautiful." Similarly, we need to find a word that is a synonym of "obliterate" but slightly less intense. From the given answer choices, the word that fits this relationship is "destroy."

2. conduct:deportment::disorder:
The relationship between the words "conduct" and "deportment" is that they are synonyms, both referring to a person's behavior or mannerisms. Therefore, we need to find a word that is a synonym of "disorder." Among the answer choices, the word that fits this relationship is "chaos."

3. genus:kind:: model:
The relationship between the words "genus" and "kind" is that "genus" is a broader category or classification, while "kind" is a more specific type within that category. So, we need to find a word that represents a more specific type within the word "model." Among the answer choices, the word that fits this relationship is "make."

4. week:fortnight::monogamy:
The relationship between the words "week" and "fortnight" is that they are synonyms, both referring to a specific duration of time. Therefore, we need to find a word that is a synonym of "monogamy." Among the answer choices, the word that fits this relationship is "fidelity."

5. same:unique::debtor:
The relationship between the words "same" and "unique" is that "same" means having no difference, while "unique" means being one of a kind. Therefore, we need to find a word that represents an extreme opposite of the word "debtor." Among the answer choices, the word that fits this relationship is "lender."

6. glasses:spectacles::separate:
The relationship between the words "glasses" and "spectacles" is that they are synonyms, both referring to vision aids worn on the eyes. Therefore, we need to find a word that is a synonym of "separate." Among the answer choices, the word that fits this relationship is "divide."

7. suit:clothing::degree:
The relationship between the words "suit" and "clothing" is that "suit" is a specific type of "clothing." Similarly, we need to find a word that represents a specific type of "degree." Among the answer choices, the word that fits this relationship is "bachelor's."

Therefore, the answer choices are:
1. destroy
2. chaos
3. make
4. fidelity
5. lender
6. divide
7. bachelor's