one of the things it intends to do,is to impose a ceiling on the price of milk

Aha, interesing to know, but where is the question?

Price ceilings never work in the long run. Folks have to make a living when running dairies, electricity, feed, labor all cost money, and if there is a price ceiling on the product, things get out of whack.

To determine the ceiling price of milk, you need to consider several factors and follow a specific process. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Research the market: Start by understanding the current market conditions for milk, including production levels, supply and demand, and any external factors that might influence prices (e.g., government policies, weather conditions, etc.).

2. Analyze costs: Gather information on the costs involved in milk production, including expenses related to farming, processing, packaging, transportation, and distribution. This will help you estimate the minimum price required for producers to cover their costs and make a reasonable profit.

3. Consider the value chain: Evaluate the different stages of the milk supply chain, such as farmers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. Understand the margins and costs associated with each stage to ensure fair compensation for all participants.

4. Identify market equilibrium: Determine the market equilibrium price, which is the price at which the quantity of milk supplied equals the quantity demanded. It represents a point where producers are willing to supply enough milk, and consumers are willing to purchase it.

5. Set the ceiling price: Once you have gathered all the relevant information, you can decide on a ceiling price for milk. The ceiling price is a maximum limit imposed on the price producers can charge, usually done to ensure affordability for consumers. It should be set below the market equilibrium price.

6. Monitor effectiveness: Continuously monitor the implementation of the ceiling price and its impact on the milk market. Assess whether it achieves the intended purpose of ensuring affordable prices for consumers, while considering the potential consequences for producers and the supply chain.

Remember, the process of setting a ceiling price is not a one-size-fits-all solution and can vary depending on local laws, regulations, and specific market conditions. Consult with experts in the field, analyze data, and consider stakeholders' perspectives to formulate an appropriate and effective ceiling price for milk.