From the edge of the rooftop of a building, a boy throws a stone at an angle 24.0° above the horizontal. The stone hits the ground 4.40 s later, 104 m away from the base of the building. (Ignore air resistance.) Find the initial velocity of the stone. What's the magnitude and direction? Find the initial height h from which the stone was thrown. Find the maximum height H reached by the stone.

To solve this problem, we can break it down into several steps:

Step 1: Analyze the given information.
- Angle of projection: 24.0° above the horizontal
- Time of flight: 4.40 s
- Horizontal displacement: 104 m

Step 2: Find the initial velocity of the stone.
We can use the equation of motion for horizontal displacement:

displacement = velocity * time

Since the horizontal displacement is 104 m and the time is 4.40 s, we can solve for the initial velocity:

104 m = velocity * 4.40 s

velocity (initial velocity) = 104 m / 4.40 s

Step 3: Calculate the initial velocity magnitude and direction.
To find the magnitude of the velocity, we can use the Pythagorean theorem:

magnitude = √(velocity_x^2 + velocity_y^2)

Since the stone is thrown at an angle above the horizontal, we need to find the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity.

velocity_x = velocity * cos(angle)
velocity_y = velocity * sin(angle)

Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

magnitude = √( (velocity * cos(angle))^2 + (velocity * sin(angle))^2 )

Step 4: Find the initial height h from which the stone was thrown.
To find the initial height, we can use the equation of motion for vertical displacement:

displacement = (initial velocity * sin(angle)) * time - (0.5 * gravity * time^2)

Since the stone reaches the ground, the vertical displacement is equal to zero. So we have:

0 = (initial velocity * sin(angle)) * time - (0.5 * gravity * time^2)

Simplifying the equation, we get:

initial velocity * sin(angle) = (0.5 * gravity * time^2) / time

initial velocity * sin(angle) = 0.5 * gravity * time

initial velocity = (0.5 * gravity * time) / sin(angle)

Step 5: Find the maximum height H reached by the stone.
To find the maximum height, we can use the equation of motion for vertical displacement:

displacement = (initial velocity * sin(angle)) * time - (0.5 * gravity * time^2)

At the maximum height, the vertical displacement is equal to the initial height h. So we have:

h = (initial velocity * sin(angle)) * time - (0.5 * gravity * time^2)

Substituting the value of the initial velocity from step 4, we get:

h = [(0.5 * gravity * time) / sin(angle)] * sin(angle) * time - (0.5 * gravity * time^2)

Simplifying the equation, we get:

h = 0.5 * gravity * time^2 - (0.5 * gravity * time^2)

h = 0

Therefore, the maximum height reached by the stone is 0.

Summarizing the results:
- The initial velocity of the stone is found to be 23.32 m/s.
- The magnitude of the initial velocity is 23.32 m/s.
- The direction of the initial velocity (angle) is 24.0° above the horizontal.
- The initial height from which the stone was thrown is 0 m.
- The maximum height reached by the stone is 0 m.

To find the initial velocity of the stone, we can use the equations of projectile motion.

First, we need to split the initial velocity into horizontal and vertical components.

Angle of projection: θ = 24.0°
Time of flight: t = 4.40 s
Horizontal displacement: x = 104 m

Step 1: Find the vertical component of the initial velocity (Vy).

The formula for the vertical component of the initial velocity (Vy) is given by:

Vy = V * sinθ

where V is the initial velocity.

To find Vy, we need to rearrange the equation as follows:

V = Vy / sinθ

Step 2: Find the horizontal component of the initial velocity (Vx).

The formula for the horizontal component of the initial velocity (Vx) is given by:

Vx = V * cosθ

where V is the initial velocity.

Step 3: Find the initial velocity (V).

We can use the horizontal displacement (x) and the time of flight (t) to find the initial velocity (V).

Vx = x / t

Now, we substitute the given values into the equations:

V = x / t = 104 / 4.40 = 23.64 m/s

Step 4: Calculate Vy.

Vy = V * sinθ = 23.64 * sin(24.0°) = 9.79 m/s

Step 5: Calculate Vx.

Vx = V * cosθ = 23.64 * cos(24.0°) = 21.43 m/s

Therefore, the initial velocity of the stone is 23.64 m/s, with a vertical component of 9.79 m/s and a horizontal component of 21.43 m/s.

To find the magnitude and direction of the initial velocity, we can use the Pythagorean theorem:

|V| = √(Vx^2 + Vy^2) = √(21.43^2 + 9.79^2) = 23.92 m/s

The direction of the initial velocity can be found using the inverse tangent function:

θ = tan^(-1)(Vy / Vx) = tan^(-1)(9.79 / 21.43) ≈ 25.7°

Therefore, the magnitude of the initial velocity is approximately 23.92 m/s, and the direction is approximately 25.7° above the horizontal.

Now let's find the initial height (h) from which the stone was thrown:

Using the formula for vertical displacement under constant acceleration:

h = Vy * t + 0.5 * g * t^2

where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Since the stone was thrown horizontally, Vy = 0 initially, and the equation simplifies to:

h = 0.5 * g * t^2

Substituting the known values:

h = 0.5 * 9.8 m/s^2 * (4.40 s)^2

h ≈ 48.46 m

Therefore, the initial height from which the stone was thrown is approximately 48.46 m.

Finally, let's find the maximum height (H) reached by the stone:

Using the formula for vertical displacement under constant acceleration:

H = Vy^2 / (2 * g)

Substituting the known values:

H = (9.79 m/s)^2 / (2 * 9.8 m/s^2)

H ≈ 4.90 m

Therefore, the maximum height reached by the stone is approximately 4.90 m.