which phrases are simile, metaphor and personfication in the following paragraph:

Our vacation paradise cutting all flour legs from under the dinner table With one deep-water move he unwove the rugs in a moment throwing pints of blood over everything we owned His odd head full of crashed jelly-glass splinters and radio tubes thrashing among the pages of fan magazines all the movie stars drenched in sea blood

Look up each term here: http://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/lit_terms/

Then let us know which phrases you think fit in each category.

what is it

To identify the similes, metaphors, and personification in the given paragraph, we need to understand the definitions of these literary devices.

1. Simile: A figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as." It helps create vivid imagery and makes comparisons more explicit.
Example: "Her smile is like sunshine."

2. Metaphor: A figure of speech that implies a comparison between two different things without using "like" or "as." It makes a direct comparison, often highlighting a characteristic or quality of one thing by attributing it to another.
Example: "He's a lion on the field."

3. Personification: A figure of speech in which human characteristics or qualities are given to non-human things.
Example: "The flowers danced in the wind."

Now, let's analyze the paragraph to identify the similes, metaphors, and personification.

"Our vacation paradise" - This is not a simile, metaphor, or personification. It is a simple description.

"cutting all flour legs from under the dinner table" - This is a metaphor. It implies that something has disrupted or undermined the stability of the dinner table, using the image of cutting the legs made of flour.

"With one deep-water move he unwove the rugs" - This is a metaphor. It suggests that someone swiftly destroyed or removed the rugs using a powerful movement, without actually mentioning any water.

"in a moment throwing pints of blood over everything we owned" - This is not a simile, metaphor, or personification. It is a descriptive statement.

"His odd head full of crashed jelly-glass splinters and radio tubes" - This is a simile. It compares the appearance of a person's head to a mixture of crashed jelly-glass splinters and radio tubes.

"thrashing among the pages of fan magazines" - This is not a simile, metaphor, or personification. It is a descriptive statement.

"all the movie stars drenched in sea blood" - This is personification. It gives human-like qualities to movie stars by describing them as being drenched in "sea blood."

So, the identified literary devices in the paragraph are:
- Metaphor: "cutting all flour legs from under the dinner table" and "With one deep-water move he unwove the rugs"
- Simile: "His odd head full of crashed jelly-glass splinters and radio tubes"
- Personification: "all the movie stars drenched in sea blood"