
To simplify the expression 3/4 + √2, we need to combine the fraction and the square root. The first step is to find a common denominator for the fraction.

Step 1: Finding a common denominator
To add 3/4 to √2, we can rewrite 3/4 as 3/4 * (√2/√2), which is equivalent to (3√2) / (4√2).

Step 2: Combining the terms
Now that we have a common denominator, we can add the two terms together:
(3√2) / (4√2) + √2

Step 3: Simplifying the expression
Since the denominators are the same, we can add the numerators:
(3√2 + √2) / (4√2)

Combining like terms in the numerator gives us:
4√2 / (4√2)

Step 4: Simplifying further
The numerator and denominator both have a common factor of 4√2, so we can cancel them out, leaving us with:

Therefore, 3/4 + √2 simplifies to 1.