For an object travelling at a constant velocity,what quantity of motion remains the same over equal time interval?

For an object traveling at a constant velocity, the quantity of motion that remains the same over equal time intervals is the momentum.

The quantity of motion that remains the same over equal time intervals for an object traveling at a constant velocity is the momentum.

Momentum is defined as the product of an object's mass and its velocity. Mathematically, momentum (p) can be represented as p = m * v, where m is the mass of the object and v is its velocity.

When an object is moving at a constant velocity, it means that its speed and direction are remaining constant. As long as no external forces act upon it, the object's momentum will also remain constant over time.

To calculate the momentum of an object at any given time, you need to know the object's mass and its velocity. The mass can usually be measured directly, while the velocity can be determined by measuring the distance traveled in a given time interval.

It's important to note that momentum is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. Therefore, when calculating momentum, you should consider the direction of motion as well.

i am supposed to sketch a postion time graph for a bear starting at 1.2meters from a refrence point,walking slowly away at a constant velocity for 3 seconds stopping for 5 secods, backing up at hlad the speed for 2 seconds, and finally stopping.

how would it look like on a graph

Velocity, direction, speed and momentum.

Displacement (vector) per equal time interval is also constant

This is a poorly worded question.