-3x-3y=-15 what are the cordenece?

To find the coordinates of the given equation -3x - 3y = -15, we need to solve for the variables x and y.

Step 1: Start by isolating one of the variables (either x or y) on one side of the equation. Let's isolate x.

-3x - 3y = -15
Subtract -3y from both sides:
-3x = -15 + 3y
Divide both sides by -3:
x = (-15 + 3y) / -3

Step 2: Now we have the equation for x in terms of y. Substitute this value of x in the original equation to solve for y.

-3x - 3y = -15
-3((-15 + 3y) / -3) - 3y = -15
15 - 3y - 3y = -15
Combine like terms:
15 - 6y = -15
Subtract 15 from both sides:
-6y = -30
Divide both sides by -6:
y = 5

Step 3: Substitute the value of y (= 5) back into either equation to find the value of x. Let's use the equation from Step 1.

x = (-15 + 3y) / -3
x = (-15 + 3(5)) / -3
x = (-15 + 15) / -3
x = 0 / -3
x = 0

Therefore, the coordinates of the given equation -3x - 3y = -15 are (0, 5).