Why do some scientist think that areas protected from the atmosphere might have favored the production of organic compounds on early life?

Multiple post. Please look at your later post.


One reason is oxygen, or its absence.

IF molecular oxygen was present in the prebiotic atmosphere - even at levels far less than are present today - then the formation of complex organic molecules would have been thwarted due to the thermodynamic spontaneity of combustion. So organics could accumulate much more readily in regions protected from the atmosphere and its molecular oxygen.

HOWEVER, most scientists studying the origin of life don't think that there was enough molecular oxygen to be of any concern. But then a problem might be, with little to no molecular oxygen in the atmosphere, there would have been little to no ozone. DNA and RNA absorb UV light readily, causing problems (as one example, covalent bonds forming between adjacent thymines). Ozone in the atmosphere absorbs UV light, and the more ozone, the less UV light reaches the surface. And conversely, the less ozone in the atmosphere, the more UV light would strike the earth's surface, and cause problems for DNA/RNA.

Those are rather superficial looks. For example, protective layers other than ozone are possible.

PS: It is quite possible that life arose near deep-sea hydrothermal vents, in which case the atmosphere is pretty much completely irrelevant.

Some scientists believe that areas protected from the atmosphere, such as deep sea hydrothermal vents or subsurface environments, might have favored the production of organic compounds on early Earth. This hypothesis is based on several factors:

1. Absence of Oxygen: The early Earth's atmosphere lacked significant amounts of oxygen, which is an important factor because oxygen can react with organic molecules and break them down. In the absence of oxygen, organic compounds might have been more stable and able to accumulate.

2. Stability of Energy Sources: Deep sea hydrothermal vents and subsurface environments provide a stable and consistent source of energy in the form of thermal and chemical gradients. These environments would have facilitated the chemical reactions necessary for the synthesis of organic compounds. This energy could have driven important processes like the formation of complex molecules.

3. Protection from Harsh Conditions: These protected environments could have shielded organic compounds from destructive ultraviolet radiation and the harsh conditions prevalent on the early Earth's surface. This protection would have provided a better chance for the accumulation and preservation of organic molecules.

4. Availability of Essential Elements: These environments are rich in minerals and elements necessary for building organic compounds, such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. These elements, along with the energy sources, could have facilitated the synthesis of complex organic molecules.

To investigate this hypothesis, scientists study the chemistry of these environments using experiments and computer models. They recreate the conditions thought to have existed on early Earth and examine the reactions that occur. By observing the formation of organic compounds and their subsequent reactions, scientists gain insights into the possibility of life's origin in protected environments.