I have to develop a lesson plan for

a health unit on "What Makes Us Grow"
based on a class size of 15 children.
I have to include objectives, the
time required, materials needed,
learning activities, measures for evaluation, and any teacher resource
Does anyone know of any websites that
can help me? This is for elementary
school children.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank You!!

I am wondering if you are dealing with physical growth, or emotional/cognitive growth.

Physical growth is easy: hormones, and nutrition.

cognitive growth: hormones, and internalized information processing

emotional growth: brain development, hormones, experience with other humans, and the process of psyche development.

All three are normal processes that we observe in all humans, and in some animals.


To develop a lesson plan for a health unit on "What Makes Us Grow" for elementary school children, you can follow these steps:

1. Define your objectives: What specific knowledge or skills do you want the students to gain from this lesson? For example, understanding the factors that contribute to physical growth.

2. Determine the time required: Consider how much time you have for this lesson. It can be a single session or multiple sessions spread over several days.

3. Identify the materials needed: Think about the resources and materials you will need to effectively deliver the lesson. This can include textbooks, visual aids, videos, handouts, or online resources.

4. Plan learning activities: Determine the activities that will engage the students and help them achieve the learning objectives. For example, you can include group discussions, hands-on experiments, or interactive games.

5. Create measures for evaluation: Develop methods to assess the students' understanding and progress. This can include quizzes, presentations, or group projects.

6. Find teacher resource information: Look for additional teacher resources to support your lesson plan. Websites, textbooks, or educational platforms can provide valuable information, lesson plans, and activity ideas.

Now, regarding websites that can help you develop your lesson plan, here are a few suggestions:

1. TeachHub (www.teachhub.com): This website offers a wide range of lesson plans and resources for elementary school teachers. You can search for health-related lesson plans tailored to your specific grade level.

2. KidsHealth (www.kidshealth.org): KidsHealth is a reputable website that provides educational content on various health topics for children. It includes interactive activities, videos, and lesson plans that you can use as inspiration or incorporate into your own plan.

3. Education.com (www.education.com): Education.com offers a collection of lesson plans, worksheets, and activities for elementary school teachers. You can search their library by subject, grade level, and topic to find suitable resources for your health unit.

Remember to adapt and modify any lesson plan you find to suit the needs and interests of your students.