what are the 4 major industries in Egypt

what are the 4 major industries in Egypt used for ??


textiles, food processing, tourism, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, hydrocarbons, construction, cement, metals, light manufactures


See the previous answers to your questions.


The four major industries in Egypt are:

1. Agriculture: Egypt has a thriving agricultural industry, with a focus on crops such as wheat, maize, rice, and vegetables. The fertile land along the Nile River allows for extensive farming, and the country is also a major exporter of cotton.

2. Petroleum: Egypt is a significant player in the Middle East's oil and gas sector. The country has a significant amount of oil reserves and is ranked among the top oil-producing nations in Africa. Egypt also has several refineries and is involved in oil exploration and production.

To find the major industries in Egypt, you can research by referring to official government sources, such as the Ministry of Industry and Trade or the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. Additionally, you can look for reports or studies conducted by economic research institutions or consult reputable business directories and websites that provide information specifically about the Egyptian economy.

Remember to look for up-to-date information, as the economy and industries can evolve over time.