You and Taye are discussing the causes of obesity. As an informed person, you have to disagree with your friend when he asserts that a major factor in obesity is

A. Gender B. physiology C. environment D. genetic inheritance

I am quite uncertain what you mean by B. How can the a science be the cause of obesity? Physiology is the science of the functioning of living systems. Being a scientist wont make you obese.

On answer A, while more women are obese than men, more men are overweight,and men tend to be at more risk of heart disease from it.

Since gender probably includes the the physical aspects of gender and the social aspects of gender are covered by environment, I would pick A. (Of course, the XX and XY are included in the genetic inheritance.)

I hope this helps a little more.

To determine which answer is correct, we need to examine the causes of obesity.

A. Gender: While certain gender-related factors, such as hormonal differences, may play a role in weight gain or body composition, gender itself is not a major causative factor in obesity. Therefore, we can likely eliminate this option.

B. Physiology: Physiology refers to the way our body functions and how it processes food and nutrients. While variations in metabolism can contribute to weight gain or make it more difficult to lose weight, it is not a major cause of obesity. Therefore, we can also likely eliminate this option.

C. Environment: The environment we live in does play a significant role in obesity. Factors such as easy access to high-calorie processed foods, sedentary lifestyles, and marketing of unhealthy products can all contribute to weight gain. This makes environment a plausible major factor in obesity.

D. Genetic Inheritance: Genetics can certainly influence body weight and how our bodies store fat. However, genetic factors alone cannot account for the rapid increase in obesity rates we have witnessed in recent years. Genetic predisposition may make individuals more susceptible to weight gain in certain environments, but it is not a primary cause of obesity on its own.

Therefore, based on the information above, it is likely that the correct answer is C. Environment.