A motorist travels 108km in 2hrs 15mins. if she travels at a steady speed, find how far she goes in 1 hour. PLEASE SHOW ALL WORKING

108 km / 2h15m

=108 km / 2.25h
=108/2.25 km/hr

To find out how far the motorist goes in 1 hour, we first need to convert 2 hours 15 minutes to hours.

Total distance traveled = 108 km
Total time taken = 2 hours 15 minutes

Step 1: Convert 2 hours 15 minutes to hours:
To convert minutes to hours, we divide the minutes by 60. So, 15 minutes is equal to 15/60 = 0.25 hours.

Therefore, the total time taken in hours = 2 + 0.25 = 2.25 hours.

Step 2: Find the average speed:
Average speed = Total distance traveled / Total time taken

Average speed = 108 km / 2.25 hours

Step 3: Calculate the distance traveled in 1 hour:
To find out how far the motorist goes in 1 hour, we multiply the average speed by 1 (since 1 hour is the desired time).

Distance traveled in 1 hour = Average speed × 1 hour

Distance traveled in 1 hour = (108 km / 2.25 hours) × 1

Finally, solve the equation:
Distance traveled in 1 hour = 48 km

Hence, the motorist travels 48 km in 1 hour.