I need to know if this is a good narrative paragraph on sharing the telephone.

Saturday morning Hailey and Melissa wanted the phone at 7oclock. I quickly told them that it was too early to call someone. After Hailey and Melissa started to argue, Melissa proceeded to make a phone call. Then I told her they needed to wait. We waited for two hours. Later there was a fight to use the phone. I finally told them that they needed to share the phone and take turns.

Yes, that is a good narrative paragraph.

To determine if this is a good narrative paragraph on sharing the telephone, we can evaluate its coherence, clarity, and overall effectiveness in conveying the intended message.

The paragraph appears to be adequately coherent, as it follows a chronological sequence of events. It starts with Hailey and Melissa wanting to use the phone early in the morning, then progresses to an argument, followed by a phone call made by Melissa and a subsequent request to wait. The paragraph reaches a resolution with the suggestion that they need to share the phone and take turns.

In terms of clarity, the paragraph provides a clear narrative of the events related to sharing the telephone. It clearly states the initial desire to use the phone, the argument that ensues, and the eventual resolution of sharing and taking turns. However, it could benefit from further development and detail to provide a more engaging and vivid description of the situation.

Overall, the paragraph effectively conveys the message of the importance of sharing the telephone. However, it could be improved by enhancing the description of the argument and adding more context surrounding the characters' motivations and emotions.