how many mm=1ft

how many cm=1yd
304.8 cm=how many ft
how many cm in 1 in?

check your answers here:

The easy way to do this is to see that the units cancel and how to use conversion factors. I have memorized a fw conversions. For example,

2.54 cm = 1 inch
I know 12 inches = 1 ft.
I know 3 feet = 1 yard. Here how to do the ?mm = 1 ft.

We know 2.54 cm = 1 inch
We know 12 inches = 1 ft.
We know 10 mm = 1 cm.
Start with what we have. We have 1 ft.
We want to go to mm.
1 ft x (factor to inches) x (factor to cm) x (factor to mm) = ??

Now all we need to do is substitute for the factors. When we do this, we note how to place the factor; we always do it so the unit we don't want cancels and the unit we want to keep doesn't cancel). Here is how it works.
1 ft x (12 inches/1 ft)----Note that the unit ft cancels and the first factor has converted ft to inches. We just keep the process going. Th final string looks like this.
1 ft x (12 in/1 ft) x (2.54 cm/1 inch) x (10 mm/cm) = ?? mm.

to hard

To convert between different units of length, you need to know the conversion factors. Here are the conversion factors for the questions you asked:

1 foot (ft) = 304.8 millimeters (mm)
1 yard (yd) = 91.44 centimeters (cm)
1 inch (in) = 2.54 centimeters (cm)

Now, let's answer your questions one by one:

1) How many millimeters (mm) are equivalent to 1 foot (ft)?
To solve this, you can use the conversion factor mentioned above:
1 ft = 304.8 mm
Therefore, 1 foot is equal to 304.8 millimeters.

2) How many centimeters (cm) are equivalent to 1 yard (yd)?
Again, we can use the conversion factor for this:
1 yd = 91.44 cm
Hence, 1 yard is equal to 91.44 centimeters.

3) How many feet (ft) are equivalent to 304.8 centimeters (cm)?
To solve this, you need to reverse the conversion factor:
1 ft = 304.8 cm
Now, you have 304.8 cm, and you want to find the equivalent value in feet. Divide 304.8 cm by the conversion factor:
304.8 cm ÷ 304.8 cm/ft = 1 ft
So, 304.8 centimeters is equal to 1 foot.

4) How many centimeters (cm) are in 1 inch (in)?
Again, use the conversion factor we discussed earlier:
1 in = 2.54 cm
Hence, 1 inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimeters.

Remember, for any future conversions, you can determine the conversion factor between two units by searching or referring to a reliable source, such as a conversion chart or an online conversion tool.