question 1: A series is:

1. any list of numbers
2. a summation of quantities whose positions are based upon the natural numbers
3. an arrangement of quantities whose positions are based upon the natural numbers.
Which number is it?

question 2: For the rule of 78, for a 12 month period, the last term in the sequence is 12 and the series sums to 78.

For a 14 period, the last term is ? and the series sum is ?.

For a 16 month period, the last term is ? and the series sum is ?.

For a 20 month period, the last term is ? and the series sum is?.


Rub some bacon on it.


Question # 2: For the rule of 78, for a 12 month period, the last term in the sequence is 12 and the series sums to 78.

For a 14 period, the last term is ? and the series sum is ?. last term = 14 sum of series = 105

For a 16 month period, the last term is ? and the series sum is ?. last term =16 , sum of series = 136

For a 20 month period, the last term is ? and the series sum is ?. last term = 20 , sum of series = 210

78 in yearly

question 1: a series is a summation of quantities based upon a sequence.

For the rule of 78 ,for 12 month period , the last term in the squence is 12 and the series sums to 78

Question 1: Based on the given options, the correct answer is option 3. A series is an arrangement of quantities whose positions are based upon the natural numbers. In other words, it is a sequence of numbers or quantities that follow a specific pattern or order.

Question 2:

The rule of 78 is a method used for calculating the interest in precomputed loans. It determines how the total interest is distributed over the loan's duration. In this method, the sum of the digits representing the months is used as the denominator (78 in this case).

To find the last term and the series sum for different periods (12, 14, 16, and 20 months), we need to apply the rule of 78.

For a 12-month period:
Last term = 12 (as given)
Series sum = 78 (as given)

For a 14-month period:
To find the last term, we need to subtract the sum of the digits representing the first 13 months (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 12 + 13) from the total sum of the series (78).
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 12 + 13 = (13 * (13 + 1)) / 2 = 91
Last term = 91 - 78 = 13
Series sum = 78 (as given)

For a 16-month period:
To find the last term, subtract the sum of the digits representing the first 15 months from the total sum of the series.
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 14 + 15 = (15 * (15 + 1)) / 2 = 120
Last term = 120 - 78 = 42
Series sum = 78 (as given)

For a 20-month period:
To find the last term, subtract the sum of the digits representing the first 19 months from the total sum of the series.
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 18 + 19 = (19 * (19 + 1)) / 2 = 190
Last term = 190 - 78 = 112
Series sum = 78 (as given)

For a 12-month period, the last term is 12 and the series sum is 78.
For a 14-month period, the last term is 13 and the series sum is 78.
For a 16-month period, the last term is 42 and the series sum is 78.
For a 20-month period, the last term is 112 and the series sum is 78.