write 3931 in expanded form


3,931 in expanded form

Write 3931 in expand form

To write the number 3931 in expanded form, we need to break it down into its place value components.

First, let's identify the place value positions. From right to left, they are: ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands.

The number 3931 can be written in expanded form as follows:
3 × 1000 (the digit 3 in the thousands place)
+ 9 × 100 (the digit 9 in the hundreds place)
+ 3 × 10 (the digit 3 in the tens place)
+ 1 × 1 (the digit 1 in the ones place)

Therefore, 3931 in expanded form is:
3 × 1000 + 9 × 100 + 3 × 10 + 1 × 1.

How do you write 3931 in expanded form