One of the biggest reasons for the increased European agricultural production in the medieval period was?

A) the introduction of a heavier plow.
B) the official support of the serfs by the popes.
C) the introduction of new crops from the Byzantine world.
D) the money invested in the countryside by the kings
(E) the agricultural loans guaranteed by powerful Italian banks. 

It appears that A is the best answer here, although a more important reason for the increased agricultural production was crop rotation and planting two crops a year.

To determine the correct answer for the reason of increased European agricultural production in the medieval period, we can analyze each option:

A) The introduction of a heavier plow: A heavier plow was indeed a significant technological innovation in agriculture during the medieval period. It could potentially increase efficiency and productivity by allowing farmers to cultivate larger areas. However, it is not the biggest reason for the increased production.

B) The official support of the serfs by the popes: While the support of the popes for the serfs might have played a role in the overall stability and well-being of the population, it is not a major factor in agricultural production itself.

C) The introduction of new crops from the Byzantine world: The introduction of new crops from the Byzantine world could have contributed to the diversification of agricultural production in Europe. However, it might not be the primary reason for the overall increase in production.

D) The money invested in the countryside by the kings: Kings investing money in the countryside could have led to improvements in agricultural infrastructure, such as irrigation, land drainage, and better farming techniques. This could have positively impacted agricultural production, making it a plausible answer.

E) The agricultural loans guaranteed by powerful Italian banks: While agricultural loans provided by banks could have facilitated investment in land and farming equipment, it is unlikely to be the main reason for the increased agricultural production in Europe during the medieval period.

Considering the options given, the best answer would be D) the money invested in the countryside by the kings. It is reasonable to believe that the investment in agricultural infrastructure and improvement of farming techniques supported by the kings could have had a significant impact on increasing agricultural production in medieval Europe.