Krista has $0.85 in nickels and dimes. She has 2 more nickels than dimes. How many nickels does she have?

Im the sure but im going to say:

5 dimes and 7 nickels

let the number of dimes be d

then the number of nickels is d+2

10d + 5(d+2) = 85

To find out how many nickels Krista has, we need to set up a system of equations based on the given information. Let's use variables to represent the number of nickels and dimes she has.

Let x be the number of dimes Krista has.
Since she has 2 more nickels than dimes, the number of nickels can be represented as (x + 2).

Since each nickel is worth $0.05 and each dime is worth $0.10, we can create an equation based on the value of the coins:

0.05(x + 2) + 0.10x = 0.85

Now we can solve for x, the number of dimes:

0.05x + 0.10 + 0.10x = 0.85
0.15x + 0.20 = 0.85
0.15x = 0.85 - 0.20
0.15x = 0.65

Divide both sides of the equation by 0.15:

x = 0.65 / 0.15
x = 4.33 (rounded to two decimal places)

Since we can't have a fractional number of dimes, we need to round down to the nearest whole number. Krista has 4 dimes.

Now let's find the number of nickels:

Number of nickels = x + 2
Number of nickels = 4 + 2
Number of nickels = 6

Therefore, Krista has 6 nickels.