Why does Shakespeare not tell us what started the family feud?

Which play?

romeo and juliet why doesnt he tell us how the feud began

because hes beast

Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet revolves around the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets, two prominent families in Verona. While the exact reason for their feud is not explicitly explained in the play, there are a few possible explanations for why Shakespeare chose not to delve into the origins of the family rivalry.

1. Focusing on the consequences: By not revealing the specific cause of the feud, Shakespeare emphasizes the destructive and irrational nature of the conflict. The play showcases the tragic consequences of the feud, such as the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, rather than dwelling on the past events that ignited the enmity.

2. Universalizing the theme: Shakespeare might have intentionally left the cause of the feud ambiguous to make it more relatable and applicable to different contexts. By not specifying the origin of the conflict, the play explores broader themes like the consequences of hatred, irrationality, and the power of love. This universal approach allows the story to resonate with diverse audiences across time and cultures.

3. Engaging audience imagination: Shakespeare invited the audience to use their imagination and interpret the backstory of the feud. By leaving gaps in the narrative, he encourages the audience to actively participate in constructing the world of the play and fill in the missing pieces. This engagement can enhance the audience's curiosity and involvement in the story.

In summary, Shakespeare chose not to explicitly disclose the cause of the family feud in Romeo and Juliet to emphasize the destructive consequences, universalize the play's themes, and engage the audience's imagination in constructing the story's background.