find the slopes for all four side J(-4,-1) K(-7,-4) L(2,-10) M(5,-7)

10th grade is NOT the School Subject. MATH is.


To find the slopes for all four sides of the quadrilateral with vertices J(-4,-1), K(-7,-4), L(2,-10), and M(5,-7), we can use the slope formula:

The slope (m) between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is given by:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

1. Slope of side JK:
J(-4,-1) and K(-7,-4)
m(JK) = (-4 - (-1)) / (-7 - (-4))
= (-4 + 1) / (-7 + 4)
= -3 / -3
= 1

Therefore, the slope of side JK is 1.

2. Slope of side KL:
K(-7,-4) and L(2,-10)
m(KL) = (-10 - (-4)) / (2 - (-7))
= (-10 + 4) / (2 + 7)
= -6 / 9
= -2 / 3

Therefore, the slope of side KL is -2/3.

3. Slope of side LM:
L(2,-10) and M(5,-7)
m(LM) = (-7 - (-10)) / (5 - 2)
= (-7 + 10) / (5 - 2)
= 3 / 3
= 1

Therefore, the slope of side LM is 1.

4. Slope of side MJ:
M(5,-7) and J(-4,-1)
m(MJ) = (-1 - (-7)) / (-4 - 5)
= (-1 + 7) / (-4 + 5)
= 6 / 1
= 6

Therefore, the slope of side MJ is 6.

Hence, the slopes for all four sides are 1, -2/3, 1, and 6.

To find the slopes of the four sides JK, KL, LM, and MJ, you can use the formula for finding the slope of a line, which is:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Let's calculate the slopes for each side:

1. Slope of side JK:
J(-4, -1) and K(-7, -4)
m(JK) = (-4 - (-1)) / (-7 - (-4))
= (-4 + 1) / (-7 + 4)
= -3 / -3
= 1

The slope of side JK is 1.

2. Slope of side KL:
K(-7, -4) and L(2, -10)
m(KL) = (-10 - (-4)) / (2 - (-7))
= (-10 + 4) / (2 + 7)
= -6 / 9
= -2 / 3

The slope of side KL is -2/3.

3. Slope of side LM:
L(2, -10) and M(5, -7)
m(LM) = (-7 - (-10)) / (5 - 2)
= (-7 + 10) / (5 - 2)
= 3 / 3
= 1

The slope of side LM is 1.

4. Slope of side MJ:
M(5, -7) and J(-4, -1)
m(MJ) = (-1 - (-7)) / (-4 - 5)
= (-1 + 7) / (-4 - 5)
= 6 / -9
= -2 / 3

The slope of side MJ is -2/3.

So, the slopes of the four sides are: 1, -2/3, 1, and -2/3.