what does me gusta ir a la escuela y apreder cosas nuevas mean

If you correctly spell "aprender", it means "I like to go to school and learn new things"

Take the verb "gustar" and do NOT learn it as the verb "to like" because it does not work like other verbs. Most often the verb form you want is either 3rd person singular (if ONE thing IS pleasing) or 3rd person plural (if TWO or more things ARE pleasing.) Learn it as the verb "to be pleasing...to someone"


"Me gusta ir a la escuela y aprender cosas nuevas" is a Spanish phrase that translates to "I like going to school and learning new things" in English.

To understand the meaning of the phrase, you can break it down:

- "Me gusta" means "I like." In Spanish, "gustar" is a verb that is commonly used to express likes or preferences.

- "La escuela" means "the school." This refers to the educational institution where students go to learn.

- "Y" means "and" in Spanish, connecting two phrases or ideas together.

- "Aprender" means "to learn." It is an infinitive verb form in Spanish.

- "Cosas nuevas" means "new things." It refers to acquiring knowledge or skills that are unfamiliar or previously unknown.

So, when you put it all together, the phrase means "I like going to school and learning new things," indicating a positive attitude towards education and the act of gaining new knowledge.