What do these words mean: country wife, sagamite, margin, philantropist, mercenary. What roles did native women play in the founding of Canada?

Country Wife: A wife married "after the customs of the country," which were a blend of both European and Native peoples' marriage rites

Sagamite: a staple food made from ground corn

Margin: the difference between the cost and the selling price

Philantropist: a person who uses his or her money to help others

Mercenary: a soldier who works for pay

Roles that native women played in the founding of Canada were that they helped the European traders with the harsh conditions of life in that country. They helped them with all their needs, for clothing, snowshoes, access to firewood, food, make/operate canoes, guides to the area's rich fur resources, and fur preparation.

Please tell me if this is correct and add more info if it is needed. Also, tell me if all my sentences make sense, thanks

This all looks great, Sara.

Your book probably doesn't mention this, but some of the French fur traders took Native wives and had children. These kids grew up to be both Native and French. Maybe you know some people today who are descended from these French traders and their Native wives.

Thank you Ms. Sue:-) Did you read my reply to the post addressed to you by me.

Oh, I got that, thank you Ms. Sue you have brightened up my day.

You're welcome. :-)

Your explanations of the words and their meanings are generally correct. Here are a few additional details and corrections:

1. Country Wife: In the context of the founding of Canada, a country wife referred to a woman who married according to the customs of the country, which often involved a mix of European and Indigenous marriage traditions. These unions often played a significant role in establishing alliances and trade relationships between the European settlers and the Indigenous communities.

2. Sagamite: Sagamite is a traditional Indigenous staple food made from ground corn or maize. It was a versatile and nourishing dish commonly consumed by Indigenous peoples in North America, including those living in the region that would later become Canada. Sagamite could be prepared in various ways, including as a porridge or thick soup.

3. Margin: In the context of business or commerce, margin refers to the difference between the cost of producing or acquiring a product or service and its selling price. It represents the profit or loss made on each transaction or unit sold.

4. Philanthropist: A philanthropist is indeed someone who uses their wealth or resources to benefit others, typically through charitable acts or supporting various causes that improve society or address specific needs. Philanthropists can donate money, provide resources, or offer their expertise to make positive contributions to society.

5. Mercenary: While the term "mercenary" generally refers to a soldier who works for pay rather than loyalty to a particular nation or cause, its connection to the founding of Canada might be less direct. The involvement of mercenaries or paid soldiers in the early history of Canada is not as significant as other factors like colonization, trade, and indigenous interactions.

Regarding the roles of Indigenous women in the founding of Canada, your statement is correct. Indigenous women played crucial roles in establishing relationships and facilitating trade between European traders and Indigenous communities. They provided valuable assistance in various aspects of life, including resource gathering, crafting, and acting as cultural intermediaries. These contributions were integral to the survival and success of early European settlers in Canada.