How many grams of sucrose would you dissolve in water for a total volume of 500mL to make a 5% solution?

5 percent by weight? When you cite percent in solutions, historically pharmacists have messed up our thinking.

5% can be 5% weight/weight, weight/volume, or volume/volume.
(pharmacists make no distinction on weight or mass, duh)
Yes, confusing, but you have to specify.

If its w/v...i think the answer is 25 grams

To calculate the grams of sucrose needed to make a 5% solution in water with a total volume of 500 mL, you can use the formula:

grams of solute = (percent concentration/100) x volume of solution (in mL)

Percent concentration = 5%
Volume of solution = 500 mL

Substituting the values into the formula:

grams of sucrose = (5/100) x 500 mL
= (0.05) x 500 mL
= 25 grams

So, you would need to dissolve 25 grams of sucrose in water to make a 5% solution with a total volume of 500 mL.

To find out how many grams of sucrose you would need to dissolve in water to make a 5% solution, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand what a 5% solution means.
A 5% solution means that 5 grams of the solute (sucrose in this case) is dissolved in 100 mL of the solvent (water in this case).

Step 2: Determine the volume of the solution.
The volume of the solution is given as 500 mL.

Step 3: Convert the volume to liters.
To work with the solution concentration, we need to convert the volume from milliliters to liters. Since 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters, we divide the volume (500 mL) by 1000 to convert it to liters:

500 mL รท 1000 = 0.5 L

Step 4: Calculate the amount of sucrose needed.
Since a 5% solution means 5 grams of sucrose in 100 mL of water, and the total volume of the solution is 0.5 L, we can calculate the amount of sucrose needed using the proportion:

(5 g/100 mL) = (x g/0.5 L)

Cross multiply the proportions:

100 mL * x g = 5 g * 0.5 L

x g = (5 g * 0.5 L) / 100 mL

x g = 2.5 g

Therefore, you would need to dissolve 2.5 grams of sucrose in water to make a 5% solution with a total volume of 500 mL.