Estimate the result of the following problem as a whole number:

4 1/43+2 15/16 -1 24/26+ 5 11/12 -3 3/61
Thank you for helping me.

The same question was asked and answered on Sunday

³√40 x^10y^15/125 x^8y^4

To estimate the result of the given problem, we need to add or subtract the mixed numbers and fractions separately. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Add the whole numbers
4 + 2 - 1 + 5 - 3 = 7

Step 2: Add the fractions
1/43 + 15/16 - 24/26 + 11/12 - 3/61

To add fractions with different denominators, we first need to find a common denominator. We can find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators, which is the smallest number divisible by all the denominators.

The denominators are: 43, 16, 26, 12, 61

The LCM of these numbers is 33,376.

Now, we can rewrite each fraction with the common denominator:

1/43 = (1 * 816) / (43 * 816) = 816/33,376
15/16 = (15 * 2086) / (16 * 2086) = 31,290/33,376
24/26 = (24 * 1288) / (26 * 1288) = 30,912/33,376
11/12 = (11 * 2781) / (12 * 2781) = 30,591/33,376
3/61 = (3 * 544) / (61 * 544) = 1,632/33,376

Step 3: Add the fractions with the common denominator
816/33,376 + 31,290/33,376 - 30,912/33,376 + 30,591/33,376 - 1,632/33,376

Now, we can add these fractions together:

(816 + 31,290 - 30,912 + 30,591 - 1,632) / 33,376

This simplifies to:


So, the estimated result of the given problem, as a whole number, is 7 and the fraction is 30,353/33,376.