• Prepare a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, flow chart, or other visual aid to provide an overview of the normal developmental expectations for each of the five developmental stages. Your presentation must include a brief description of each of the five stages of development as well as normal expectations for each stage.

Will this work……….
Stages of Development Changes from Adolescence Through Adulthood
Physical, Cognitive, Social, and Personality

Or are they talking about puberty and such?

Your assignment is probably about the 5 stages of development from infancy through adolescence.


To accurately answer your question, we need to understand what the prompt is asking for. The prompt is asking you to create a visual aid that provides an overview of the normal developmental expectations for each of the five developmental stages. These stages typically refer to the stages of human development throughout the lifespan, not specifically limited to puberty.

The five typical stages of development are:

1. Infancy: From birth to 2 years old. At this stage, children develop their physical and motor skills, start to communicate, and form attachments.

2. Early Childhood: From 2 to 6 years old. During this stage, children are developing their imagination, language skills, social interactions, and motor skills. They start attending school and acquiring basic academic knowledge.

3. Middle Childhood: From 6 to 11 years old. Here, children continue to develop their cognitive abilities, language skills, and social interactions. They become more independent and acquire more complex academic skills.

4. Adolescence: From 11 to 20 years old. This stage is marked by significant physical, cognitive, and social changes. Puberty occurs during this stage, leading to physical growth, sexual maturation, and the development of personal identity.

5. Adulthood: From 20 years old onwards. This stage involves the full physical, cognitive, and emotional maturation of an individual. During adulthood, people typically establish careers, maintain relationships, and define their roles in society.

To create your visual aid, you can choose to use Microsoft® PowerPoint®, a flow chart, or any other form of visual representation that suits your presentation style. Ensure that you provide a brief description of each stage and include the normal developmental expectations for each stage. These expectations will vary depending on the aspect of development (physical, cognitive, social, or personality) being considered.