Bob has 18 model cars and ships. He has 8 more cars than ships. How many cars does he have?

There would be 13 cars and 5 ships.

Let x = # of cars, then x - 8 = # of ships.

x + x - 8 = 18

2x - 8 = 18

I hope this helps you to see how Brittany could have gotten her answer.

To figure out how many cars Bob has, let's set up an equation based on the given information. Let's say the number of ships Bob has is "s". According to the problem, Bob has 8 more cars than ships, so the number of cars he has would be "s + 8".

We also know that Bob has a total of 18 model cars and ships. This means that the number of cars plus the number of ships is equal to 18. So we can write another equation: "s + (s + 8) = 18".

Now, we can solve the equation to find the value of "s" which represents the number of ships.

s + (s + 8) = 18
2s + 8 = 18 (Combine like terms)
2s = 18 - 8 (Subtract 8 from both sides)
2s = 10 (Simplify)
s = 10/2 (Divide both sides by 2)
s = 5

So, Bob has 5 ships.

Now, to find the number of cars he has, we substitute this value back into our original equation:
Cars = s + 8
Cars = 5 + 8
Cars = 13

Therefore, Bob has 13 cars.