Est-ce que tu préfères le boeuf, le poulet, ou le poisson? What if I prefer neither one of these. How Would I answer that in French?

Est-ce que tu préfères le ketchup ou la moutarde avec les hamburgers?
I prefer neither one. Again, how would I say that in French?

You do not have to like any of them to prefer one. Which do you dislike least? Are you making a point that you are vegetarian? If so, say so.

Je ne préfère ni (whatever you'd like to name first) ni (whatever you'd like to name second.

Sra (aka Mme)

If you prefer neither one of these options, you can say it in French as follows:

Je n'en préfère aucun(e) / Je n'en préfère aucun des deux.

So, the complete sentence would be: Je n'en préfère aucun des deux.

If you prefer neither beef, chicken, nor fish, you can say "Je ne préfère aucun." in French. This literally translates to "I prefer none."

Similarly, if you prefer neither ketchup nor mustard with burgers, you can say "Je ne préfère ni l'un ni l'autre." in French. This translates to "I prefer neither one nor the other."

By using the phrase "Je ne préfère aucun." or "Je ne préfère ni l'un ni l'autre.", you can clearly express that you prefer neither option in French.