name the type of nuclear reaction and name the nuclear symbol that is missing:

27Al13 + ? yields 30P15 + 1n0

27Al13 + ? yields 30P15 + 1n0

Subscripts must add out.
Superscripts must add out.

I am changing it to show the atomic number first and mass second.
13Al27 + ?? ==>15P30 + 0n1
13 + ? = 15 + 0 so ? must be 2
27 + ? = 30 + 1 so ? must be 4
What do you know that has an atomic number of 2 and an atomic mass of 4. That must be He or written as I have done it, make it 2He4.
That's how it's done.

Thank you so much for your help!

The type of nuclear reaction described in the equation is a nuclear decay reaction. Specifically, it is an alpha decay, which involves the emission of an alpha particle by the parent nucleus.

To determine the missing nuclear symbol, we need to consider the conservation of both mass number and atomic number in a nuclear reaction.

In the equation, the mass number (the number above the element symbol) of the parent nucleus, aluminum-27 (27Al13), is 27, and the atomic number (the number below the element symbol) is 13.

The product nuclei are phosphorus-30 (30P15) and a neutron (1n0).

To find the missing nuclear symbol, we need to determine the mass and atomic number of the missing particle.

Since an alpha particle is emitted during an alpha decay reaction, it consists of two protons and two neutrons (mass number = 4 and atomic number = 2).

By comparing the mass and atomic numbers before and after the reaction, we can conclude that the missing nuclear symbol in the equation is:

4He2 (where 4 is the mass number and 2 is the atomic number)