In which section of the annual report would you find a list of the company's major products?

To find a list of a company's major products in an annual report, you would generally look for information in the "Products" or "Product Portfolio" section. Here's how to locate this section in an annual report:

1. Start by obtaining the annual report of the company you are interested in. Annual reports are typically available on the company's website or on reliable financial and business information platforms.

2. Once you have the annual report, open the document and look for the table of contents or index. This will help you navigate through the report more efficiently.

3. In the table of contents or index, search for section titles related to the company's products or offerings. It could be labeled as "Products," "Product Portfolio," "Business Segments," or similar terms.

4. Once you locate the appropriate section, navigate to that part of the report by turning to the indicated page number or clicking on the corresponding hyperlink in a digital format.

5. In the products section, you will likely find a comprehensive list of the company's major products or services. This list may include descriptions of each product, their significance to the company's operations, and possibly even financial information related to their performance.

6. Take your time to review the provided information and gain insights into the company's main product offerings.

Remember, the specific layout and structure of annual reports may vary from company to company, so adapt these instructions accordingly while searching for the products section.