"If Whales Could Think On Certain Happy Days"

by Irving Layton

As the whale surfaced
water spouted from his head
in great jets of praise
for the silent, awesome
he beheld between sea and sky.

filled his immense body
for his sense of well-being,
his being-at-oneness
with the universe
and he thought:
"Surely the Maker of Whales
made me for a purpose".

Just then the harpoon
slammed into his side
tearing a hole in it
as wide as the sky.

In a complete paragraph of at least 8 senatnces explain the message the author is expressing to us. Use some direct quotes from the poem to support your reasoning. Help, please and thank you? :)

The whale is Megatron and the harpoon is Optimus Prime because Optimus Prime killed Megatron

it's a hard one

The message that the author is expressing in the poem "If Whales Could Think On Certain Happy Days" by Irving Layton is the contrast between the beauty and wonder of life and the harsh reality of suffering and death. The poem begins with a description of the whale's joyful experience, as he surfaces and water spouts from his head in "great jets of praise" for the magnificent world he sees between the sea and the sky. This portrays the whale as grateful for his existence and feeling a profound sense of well-being, as he contemplates his purpose in connection with the universe, thinking, "Surely the Maker of Whales made me for a purpose."

However, the poem abruptly shifts its tone and introduces the conflict when the harpoon strikes the whale's side, causing a painful and fatal injury. This sudden change in the narrative highlights the harsh reality of the whale's existence, where moments of happiness can be abruptly shattered by the cruelty and violence inflicted upon them by humans. The line "tearing a hole in it as wide as the sky" vividly depicts the intensity of the physical damage caused by the harpoon.

By juxtaposing the whale's joyful experience with the tragic outcome, the author emphasizes the poet's underlying message. It conveys a sense of sympathy towards the plight of these magnificent creatures and invites the reader to reflect upon the cruelty and disregard for life that exists in the world. The poem seeks to evoke a sense of empathy and questioning of the purpose and meaning of life, particularly in the face of suffering.

In the poem "If Whales Could Think On Certain Happy Days" by Irving Layton, the author expresses a profound message about the contrast between the beauty and wonder of life and the harsh realities of existence. Through vivid imagery and a juxtaposition of joyful moments and tragic events, Layton emphasizes the fragility of happiness and the inevitable presence of suffering.

The author establishes a scene of immense joy when describing the whale surfacing and spouting water in "great jets of praise." This image conveys the whale's awe and appreciation for the breathtaking sight between the sea and sky. The phrase "joyously" reinforces the whale's happiness in this moment. Layton then states, "Thankfulness filled his immense body for his sense of well-being," highlighting the whale's deep gratitude and contentment.

Moreover, the whale's thoughts reveal a sense of purpose and divine intent behind his existence. He muses, "Surely the Maker of Whales made me for a purpose," illustrating his belief in a higher power and a meaningful role in the world. This quote emphasizes the whale's sense of fulfillment and connectedness with the universe.

However, the poem takes a sudden and tragic turn when the harpoon pierces the whale's side. The "tearing a hole in it as wide as the sky" symbolizes the destructive impact of human intervention on nature. This abrupt shift in tone and imagery represents the cruel reality that disrupts the whale's idyllic state of happiness. It conveys the fragility of joy and the vulnerability of living beings in the face of external forces.

In summary, the poem explores the duality of joy and suffering, highlighting the contrast between the whale's blissful moments and the harsh reality of its life being cut short. Through powerful imagery and contrasting events, Layton seeks to convey a message about the transitory nature of happiness and the destructive influence humans can have on the natural world.

Read the poem out loud. After each section write down in a few words what the section is basically about. Pick out important words.

Then write what you think the whole poem is about. How does it apply to you? When you have finished, please repost and we will be happy to make further suggestions.