Relationships, similar to people, go through stages of development. Describe how a person moves through each of the five stages of Levinger’s ABC’s of relationships model. As you write your description, include answers to the following questions: What do you think people look for in the attraction stage? How do people work on building a relationship? What are some positive factors that foster the continuation of a relationship? What steps might a couple take to avoid the deterioration phase?

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In Levinger's ABC's of relationships model, there are five stages through which a person moves in a relationship: attraction, building, continuation, deterioration, and ending. Let's explore each stage and answer the associated questions.

1. Attraction Stage:
In the attraction stage, people look for certain qualities or characteristics in potential partners that they find appealing. This could include physical attractiveness, common interests or values, sense of humor, or intellectual compatibility. People may also be drawn to others who provide emotional support or share similar life goals. In this stage, individuals experience infatuation and excitement about the potential relationship.

2. Building Stage:
Once the initial attraction is established, individuals actively work on building the relationship. This involves getting to know each other on a deeper level, sharing personal stories and experiences, and developing a sense of trust and intimacy. Communication plays a crucial role in this stage, as both partners learn to navigate conflicts, negotiate differences, and establish shared goals and expectations.

3. Continuation Stage:
Positive factors that foster the continuation of a relationship in this stage include commitment, satisfaction, and mutual understanding. Both partners feel a sense of emotional security, trust, and contentment within the relationship. They value each other's presence and actively invest time and effort into maintaining the relationship. Communication remains important in this stage to avoid misunderstandings and address any ongoing issues promptly.

4. Deterioration Stage:
If not addressed, several negative factors can contribute to the deterioration of a relationship. These may include poor communication, unresolved conflicts, lack of trust, or growing apart due to diverging interests or goals. To prevent or overcome the deterioration phase, couples can take steps like open and honest communication, seeking professional help (such as couples therapy), setting aside quality time for each other, and revisiting shared goals and interests to reestablish a sense of connection.

5. Ending Stage:
In some cases, relationships may reach the ending stage. This could happen due to irreconcilable differences, experiencing significant betrayal, or simply realizing a lack of compatibility. While endings are challenging, they can also provide an opportunity for personal growth and the chance to find a more fulfilling relationship in the future.

Remember, the stages in Levinger's model are a guide to understanding relationship development, and individual experiences may vary. It's essential to approach relationships with open communication, mutual respect, and empathy for a healthy and fulfilling journey together.