im trying to write an acrostic poem on procrastination.this is what i have so far:

Play before work
Arguing that you’ll do it later
Stay up all night
Things getting in the way

hellpp?? please and thankyou:)

Really don't shirk

First of all, decide on the rhyme scheme.

You will have 15 lines.

Things getting in the way
I know, that's easy to say


P-Turing stuff off until last minute

Sure! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you complete your acrostic poem on procrastination:

1. Start by brainstorming words or phrases related to procrastination. Consider the reasons behind procrastinating, the feelings associated with it, and any other relevant aspects. For example: delay, laziness, distractions, excuses, etc.

2. For each letter of the word "procrastination," come up with a word or phrase related to procrastination that begins with that letter. Here are some suggestions:

P - Putting things off
R - Running out of time
O - Overwhelmed by tasks
C - Choosing to do unimportant things
R - Rationalizing the delay
A - Avoiding responsibilities
S - Succumbing to distractions
T - Time wasted on trivial matters
I - Ignoring deadlines
N - Nervousness about starting
A - Allowing tasks to pile up
T - Telling yourself you'll do it later
I - Indecisiveness
O - Opportunity missed
N - Neglecting priorities

3. Write down your chosen words or phrases next to each corresponding letter of "procrastination." This will form the basis of your acrostic poem.

4. Arrange your words or phrases in a way that creates a logical flow or narrative. Start by introducing the idea of procrastination and gradually build up to its consequences.

5. Expand on each word or phrase in your poem with additional lines or sentences. Use descriptive language, metaphors, or analogies to convey your message more effectively.

6. Edit and revise your poem for clarity, rhythm, and coherence. Make sure it captures the essence of procrastination and communicates your intended emotions.

Here's an example using the suggestions above:

Putting off tasks until tomorrow
Running out of time with every delay
Overwhelmed by the mountain of work
Choosing unimportant things over priorities
Rationalizing the need to wait another day
Avoiding responsibilities, the fear lingers
Succumbing to distractions, the ultimate temptation
Time wasted on trivial matters, forever gone
Ignoring deadlines, the urgency ignored
Nervousness about starting, paralyzing the mind
Allowing tasks to pile up, an avalanche in motion
Telling yourself you'll do it later, a comforting mantra
Indecisiveness brings progress to a halt
Opportunities missed, forever lost
Neglecting priorities, a dangerous habit

Remember, this is just an example. Feel free to adapt or modify it to fit your personal style and message. Good luck with your poem!

Sure! I'd be happy to help you with your acrostic poem on procrastination. Let's fill in the missing letters to complete your poem:

P - Play before work
R - Responding to distractions
O - Overthinking excuses
C - Choosing instant gratification
R - Regretting wasted time
A - Avoiding tasks at hand
S - Stalling with endless scrolling
T - Trying to find motivation
I - Ignoring important deadlines
N - Not starting until the last minute
A - Allowing procrastination to thrive
T - Time slipping away
I - Indecision and self-doubt
O - Overpromising for tomorrow
N - Neglecting responsibilities

To create an acrostic poem, you start with a word or phrase and use each letter from that word or phrase to begin a line of the poem. In this case, your word is "procrastination." Each line of the poem begins with a letter from that word.

I hope this helps you complete your acrostic poem on procrastination! Let me know if you need any further assistance.