"Sonya has X amount of money. Bob has three times as much as Sonya has, less $14.62. Write an expression , using X, that tells how much does Bob has." You sail is: 3x-14.62 but this is the expression and I need to know how much in dollars,too.... please

already answered

To find out how much money Bob has, we can substitute the value of X given in the problem into the expression 3X - 14.62. Since X represents the amount of money that Sonya has, substituting the value of X will give us the amount of money Bob has in terms of dollars.

Let's say Sonya has $Y. In this case, X is equal to Y since X represents the amount of money Sonya has. Therefore, we can rewrite the expression as 3Y - 14.62.

Now, if we are given a specific amount of money Sonya has (for example, let's say Sonya has $20), we can substitute that value into the expression 3Y - 14.62 to find how much money Bob has.

Using the example where Sonya has $20, we substitute Y = 20 into the expression:
3(20) - 14.62 = 60 - 14.62 = $45.38

So, when Sonya has $20, Bob has $45.38.