a square is a rectangle

A)none of these

A square has four sides and four right angles.

A rectangle has four sides and four right angles.

so it d

Right. :-)

The correct answer is D) always.

A square is indeed a type of rectangle. To understand why, we need to look at the definition of a rectangle. A rectangle is a four-sided polygon with opposite sides that are parallel and equal in length.

A square fits this definition perfectly. It has four sides that are parallel to each other, and all four sides are equal in length. Therefore, a square can be considered a special type of rectangle, where all the side lengths are equal.

It is important to note that not all rectangles are squares. While a square is always a rectangle, a rectangle may not always be a square. A rectangle can have different side lengths, while a square has all equal side lengths. Hence, the answer is "always" because a square meets all the criteria to be classified as a rectangle.