Would a trickster be a human figure used as a a marker?

human figures used as markers-Subsistence?

I'm sorry, Sara -- but I don't understand your question. What do you mean by "marker?"

A trickster is a character often found in folklore and mythology who uses cunning and deceit to achieve their goals. They are usually not associated with being used as a marker. However, if you are referring to a specific context or cultural tradition, it's important to delve deeper into the subject to find a more accurate answer.

To investigate whether a trickster can be a human figure used as a marker, you could follow these steps:

1. Research Trickster Figures: Look into various cultural mythologies and folklore from different regions, such as Native American, African, or Norse mythology, to identify different trickster figures and their characteristics. This will help you understand how they are traditionally portrayed.

2. Define "Marker": Determine what you mean by a "marker" in this context. Are you referring to a physical marker, like a statue or signpost? Or do you mean a symbolic marker, like a representative figure or a symbol that represents something else?

3. Explore Cultural Practices: Examine the cultural practices and traditions of specific societies or communities to see if trickster figures are used as markers in any particular way. This could involve researching rituals, ceremonies, or even local folklore to identify any possible connections.

4. Consult Academic Sources: Consult scholarly books, articles, or expert opinions to gain insights from experts in mythology, folklore, or anthropology. These sources can provide more in-depth information and analysis on the subject matter.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather sufficient information to determine whether or not a trickster figure is used as a human marker in any cultural or mythological context.