which of the following is fractional equivalent to 0.78?


What do you think?

Hint: Read the decimal in words.


0.78 is seventy-eight hundredths


To determine which of the fractions is fractional equivalent to 0.78, we need to find the fraction that is equal to 0.78 when simplified.

One way to do this is to convert the decimal 0.78 into a fraction. To convert a decimal to a fraction, we need to identify the place value of the last digit.

In this case, the digit 8 is in the hundredth place, which means it can be written as 8/100.

Now, let's simplify this fraction. We can simplify it by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, and then dividing both numbers by the GCD.

The GCD of 8 and 100 is 4. By dividing both the numerator and denominator by 4, we get:
8/100 ÷ 4/4 = 2/25.

Therefore, the fractional equivalent of 0.78 is 2/25.

Now let's compare this result to the given options:

A) 78/10: When simplified, this fraction equals 39/5, which is not equivalent to 0.78.
B) 78/100: This fraction is already in its simplified form and equals 0.78. Therefore, it is equivalent to 0.78.
C) 39/50: This fraction is not simplified and equals 0.78 when simplified.
D) 13/49: This fraction does not equal 0.78 when simplified.

So, the answer is option B) 78/100, which is equivalent to 0.78.