What is the pronunciation of unsavory?


Click on the little speaker symbol after un•sa•vor•y to hear it. There's also a spelled-out version right after the speaker symbol.

To find the pronunciation of a word, you can consult a dictionary or use online resources like dictionary websites or apps. One popular and reliable website is Merriam-Webster (www.merriam-webster.com). Here's how you can use it to determine the pronunciation of "unsavory":

1. Go to the Merriam-Webster website.
2. In the search bar, type "unsavory" and press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon.
3. On the search results page, you will see the word "unsavory" along with its part of speech, definition, and other information.
4. Look for a small speaker icon next to the word. This icon indicates that an audio pronunciation is available.
5. Click on the speaker icon to hear the word pronounced.

By following these steps, you can quickly and easily find the pronunciation of "unsavory" or any other word you might be curious about.