whao were the Yankees from the Civil Wars?

If you are referring to the Civil War in the US in the 1860s, the people whom the Southerners called Yankees were people in the northern states, the states that did not secede from the union.


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The Yankees, during the American Civil War, referred to the Union Army forces, primarily from the Northern states. They were named Yankees due to the term being associated with natives of New England, but it later became a more widely used term for Union soldiers. To learn more about the Yankees during the Civil War, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for "Yankees in the American Civil War" on a search engine like Google.
2. Look for reliable sources such as history websites, encyclopedias, or scholarly articles to gather information.
3. Explore the sources to understand the role of the Yankees, their origins, and their significance during the Civil War.
4. Take note of key points or interesting facts to help you answer any specific questions or provide a more detailed explanation.

Remember, it's essential to consult reliable sources to ensure the accuracy of the information you find.