You are a manager in a large, global manufacturing and services organization. You're trying to explain to your grandfather how different your job is from his before he retired ten years ago. You both know how society has changed and you want to explain how that has changed management. Select two of the five topics listed below, and discuss how management has changed, with respect to both of the topics you selected. Use of real world examples would be appropriate.

Organizational culture
The outside environment
Corporate responsibility and ethics
Society and trends (such as diversity)

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I would like to discuss how management has changed in two areas: Organizational culture and Globalization.

1. Organizational culture:
Organizational culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, and norms that define how people within an organization think, behave, and interact with each other. In the past, organizational culture often revolved around hierarchy, top-down decision making, and strict adherence to rules and procedures. However, with the societal changes over the past decade, there has been a shift towards more flexible and inclusive cultures in many organizations.

Today, companies emphasize open communication, collaboration, and employee empowerment. Managers now understand the importance of nurturing a positive and inclusive work environment. For example, companies like Google have adopted a culture of innovation, allowing employees to spend a portion of their workweek on personal projects. This freedom has resulted in the development of products like Gmail and Google Maps.

2. Globalization:
Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and integration of communities, economies, and organizations around the world. It has had a profound impact on how businesses operate and how managers lead their teams. Previously, managers primarily focused on local or national markets, but now they must consider a global perspective in their decision-making process.

One aspect of globalization that has changed management is the need for cross-cultural understanding and communication. Managers now need to be familiar with different cultural norms, business practices, and languages, as they may interact with colleagues and customers from different countries. For example, global companies like Coca-Cola, Nike, or McDonald's have tailored their products and marketing strategies to fit local preferences while maintaining their brand identities.

Additionally, globalization has also increased competition. Organizations must now be able to compete on a global scale, facing rivals from different countries. This requires managers to be more agile, innovative, and responsive to changes in the market. They need to develop strategies that take into account global trends, movements in supply chains, and trade policies. For instance, companies like Apple have built a global supply chain to source components from various countries, as well as manufacturing and selling their products globally.

These are just a couple of examples of how management has changed in relation to organizational culture and globalization. The evolving nature of these areas has forced managers to adapt to new ways of thinking, leading, and making decisions in order to keep up with the rapidly changing business landscape.