I have to write a one page essay that explains 2 of the 6 characteristics of interpersonal communication and illustrate how each one is demonstrated in your communication style and I don't know how to begin.

First of all, what are the 6 characteristics?

Which 2 do you see very strongly in yourself?

Once you've decided on those two, brainstorm a list for each characteristic, including how each one manifests in you.

Essay plan:

Para 1. Introduction, incl thesis
Para 2. Discussion of first characteristic, how you demonstrate this, including a couple of specific examples.
Para 3. Discussion of second characteristic, how you demonstrate this, including a couple of specific examples.
Para 4. Conclusion

Make sure you come up with a thesis statement: http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/acadwrite/thesistatement.html

Make sure you write the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs first.

Then write your introduction, putting the thesis statement at the end.

Write the conclusion last.

Read, revise, read, proofread, read, proofread...

To begin your one-page essay explaining two characteristics of interpersonal communication and how they are demonstrated in your communication style, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the characteristics of interpersonal communication: The first step is to familiarize yourself with the six characteristics of interpersonal communication. These characteristics are:
- Involves two or more people
- Involves the perception of oneself and others
- Occurs in a relational context
- Involves both verbal and nonverbal communication
- Requires active listening
- Is transactional and dynamic

By understanding these characteristics, you can decide which two you want to focus on for your essay.

2. Reflect on your communication style: Take some time to reflect on your own communication style. Consider how you interact with others, both in person and online, and think about how you typically communicate. Pay attention to your verbal and nonverbal cues, your listening skills, and the context in which you communicate.

3. Choose two characteristics to discuss: Based on your reflection, choose two characteristics that you believe best describe your interpersonal communication style. For example, you might choose active listening and the perception of oneself and others.

4. Introduce the characteristics: Begin your essay with an introduction that briefly explains interpersonal communication and provides an overview of the two characteristics you will discuss. This introduction sets the foundation for the rest of your essay.

5. Explain the first characteristic: Start by explaining the first characteristic you've chosen and provide examples of how it is demonstrated in your communication style. For instance, if you chose active listening, describe how you actively engage in conversations, show interest, and ask clarifying questions when needed. Use personal anecdotes or specific situations to illustrate this characteristic.

6. Illustrate your own communication style: After explaining the characteristic, dig deeper into how it is demonstrated in your communication style. Reflect on how your communication style impacts your relationships, both positively and negatively. Discuss how your communication has evolved over time, what you've learned from experiences, and any strategies you employ to enhance your communication.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the second characteristic: After discussing the first characteristic in detail, repeat the process for the second characteristic you've chosen. Explain the characteristic, illustrate it in your communication style through examples, and provide a deeper analysis of how it influences your interpersonal communication.

8. Conclusion: Wrap up your essay by summarizing your main points and reflect on what you have learned about your own interpersonal communication style through this exercise.

Remember, this is just a guideline to help you structure your essay. You can modify and adapt it according to your own preferences and writing style. Good luck!