1. The following word group is a FRAGMENT: That movie, one of my favorites.

The following word group is a FRAGMENT: The local baseball team, needing a good pitcher most of all.

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from http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/

To determine if a word group is a fragment, we need to understand what a sentence fragment is. A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence that lacks a subject, verb, or a complete thought.

In the given word group, "That movie, one of my favorites," we have a subject ("That movie") and a prepositional phrase ("one of my favorites"). However, there is no verb that completes the thought or expresses an action or state.

To fix this fragment and turn it into a complete sentence, we need to add a verb. For example, we could say, "That movie is one of my favorites." This sentence now has a subject, verb, and completes a thought, making it a complete sentence.