I have to wright a report on the erely explors and evrything i wright dous not make sence

Are you writing on the early explorers to the Americas?

If so, here are some good articles. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/explorers/namerica.shtml

Writing a report on early explorers can be challenging, but there are a few steps you can follow to make it easier to write and ensure that your report is logical and makes sense. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

1. Research the topic: Start by gathering information on early explorers. Read books, articles, and reliable online sources to deepen your knowledge about their backgrounds, motivations, and significant voyages. Take notes as you go along to keep track of important details.

2. Create an outline: Before diving into writing, outline your report's structure. This will help you organize your thoughts and determine the logical flow of information. Include sections such as an introduction, background information on explorers, their journeys, and their impact.

3. Write a clear introduction: Begin your report with an engaging introduction that sets the stage for the topic. Introduce the purpose of your report and provide a brief overview of the early explorers you'll be discussing.

4. Break down information into paragraphs: Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of early explorers. Start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph, provide supporting evidence, examples, or facts, and conclude the paragraph by summarizing the information.

5. Use clear and concise language: Avoid using complicated or flowery language that may confuse the reader. Instead, use simple and straightforward language to convey your ideas effectively. Be mindful of grammar and sentence structure to ensure clarity.

6. Provide evidence and examples: Whenever you state a fact or make a claim, back it up with evidence. Include specific examples, quotes, or references to credible sources to support your statements and make your report more credible.

7. Proofread and edit: After writing your report, take some time to review and revise it. Check for any grammatical errors, unclear sentences, or inconsistencies. Read your report aloud to ensure it flows smoothly and makes logical sense.

8. Seek feedback: Ask a classmate, teacher, or family member to read your report and provide feedback. They can help you identify areas that need improvement and suggest ways to clarify your writing.

By following these steps and taking the time to research, plan, and revise your report, you should be able to create a coherent and well-written piece on early explorers.