Round decimal to the nearest tenth: 65.88?

Round decimal to the nearest whole number: 25.88?

7.8 Is 9.8

To round a decimal number to the nearest tenth, you need to look at the digit in the hundredth place. If this digit is 5 or greater, then you round up the digit in the tenth place; otherwise, you round it down.

In the case of 65.88, the digit in the hundredth place is 8. Since it is greater than 5, you round up the digit in the tenth place, which is 5. The rounded decimal number to the nearest tenth is 65.9.

To round a decimal number to the nearest whole number, you need to look at the digit in the ones (or units) place. If the digit in the tenths place is 5 or greater, you round up the digit in the ones (or units) place; otherwise, you round it down.

In the case of 25.88, the digit in the tenths place is 8. Since it is greater than 5, you round up the digit in the ones place, which is 6. The rounded decimal number to the nearest whole number is 26.

Since 8 (65.88) is larger than 5, it rounds to 65.9

How do you think 25.88 should be rounded to the nearest whole number?