Karl worked 25 hours at $3 per hour. He received the following tips

tips: $18, $16, $22, $20, and $16. What is his average hourly wage?

He receives $3*25 in wages, and also tips, for a total of

$3*25 + $18 + $16 + $22 + $20 + $16.

Now divide that total by 25 hrs to find the average earnings.

18 + 16 + 22 + 20 + 16 = 92

92 / 25 = 3.68

$3.68 + $3 = _______ average hourly wage

To find Karl's average hourly wage, we need to calculate his total earnings and divide it by the number of hours he worked.

Karl earned $3 per hour for 25 hours, so his total earnings from his hourly wage is:

Total earnings = $3/hour * 25 hours = $75

Now let's calculate his total earnings from the tips. Karl received tips of $18, $16, $22, $20, and $16. To find the total tip amount, we add them up:

Total tips = $18 + $16 + $22 + $20 + $16 = $92

Adding Karl's total earnings from his hourly wage and tips, we get:

Total earnings + tips = $75 + $92 = $167

Now we divide the total earnings by the number of hours worked to find his average hourly wage:

Average hourly wage = Total earnings + tips / Number of hours worked = $167 / 25 hours ≈ $6.68

Therefore, Karl's average hourly wage is approximately $6.68.

To find Karl's average hourly wage, we need to calculate his total earnings, including both his wages and tips, and divide it by the total number of hours he worked.

First, let's calculate Karl's total earnings.

Karl's wage per hour is $3, and he worked for 25 hours, so his total wage earnings can be calculated as:

Wage earnings = Wage per hour x Number of hours worked
= $3 x 25
= $75

Next, let's calculate Karl's total tips. Looking at the provided tips, we see that he received $18, $16, $22, $20, and $16. To find the total sum of these tips, we add them together:

Total tips = $18 + $16 + $22 + $20 + $16
= $92

Then, let's calculate Karl's total earnings by adding his wage earnings and tip earnings:

Total earnings = Wage earnings + Total tips
= $75 + $92
= $167

Now that we have Karl's total earnings and the number of hours he worked (25), we can calculate his average hourly wage by dividing his total earnings by the number of hours:

Average hourly wage = Total earnings / Number of hours worked
= $167 / 25
= $6.68

Therefore, Karl's average hourly wage is $6.68.