3. The Kellers allow Annie and Helen to live alone for two weeks because they

a. believe that their interference creates too many obstacles
b. trust Annie to care for Helen as they would
c. fear that Helen will otherwise have to enter an institution
d. need peace and quiet
I'm stuck between c and d but I think it's c..?

5. All of the following words are archaic except
a. coz
b. God-den
c. halt
d. ope
I know it's not b but I don't know which one it is

6. Why doesn't Romeo want to fight Tybalt at first?
a. Romeo is a coward
b. Romeo is now related to Tybalt by marriage
c. Romeo thinks Mercutio has a better chance of beating Tybalt
d. Romeo is on his way to marry Juliet

8. As Juliet encounters more conflicts and problems, how does her character change?
a. She runs away from her problems
b. She becomes weaker and threatens suicide
c. She becomes more self-confident and pushes away her elders
d. She confesses that her life with Romeo is ill-fated and wants to leave him

9. Because the audience knows that Juliet is alive, the scene in which the Capulets, the nirse, and Paris bemoan her death is an illustration of
a. dramatic irony
b. a complication in the plot
c. a soliquy
d. comic relief


in # 5, look up the word "halt"

3,6, 8, 9 are correct

For question 3, the answer is c. fear that Helen will otherwise have to enter an institution. In order to determine this answer, it is important to recall the context and events in the story of Helen Keller. The Kellers decide to allow Annie and Helen to live alone for two weeks because they fear that Helen will have to go to an institution if they interfere. This information can be found by recalling the plot of the story.

For question 5, the answer is a. coz. In order to determine this answer, it is important to understand the meaning of "archaic" which refers to words or language that are no longer in common use. Out of the given options, the word "coz" is the only one that falls into this category. The other options, "God-den," "halt," and "ope," are still in use or have evolved into modern equivalents.

For question 6, the answer is b. Romeo is now related to Tybalt by marriage. In order to determine this answer, it is important to understand the context of the scene in the play Romeo and Juliet. After Romeo marries Juliet, he becomes part of her family and is now related to Tybalt, who is Juliet's cousin. This new family connection creates a conflict for Romeo and he initially refuses to fight Tybalt.

For question 8, the answer is c. She becomes more self-confident and pushes away her elders. In order to determine this answer, it is important to recall Juliet's character development throughout the play. As Juliet encounters conflicts and problems, she becomes more self-confident and starts pushing away her elders, particularly her parents, in order to assert her own agency and make her own decisions.

For question 9, the answer is a. dramatic irony. In order to determine this answer, it is important to understand the concept of dramatic irony, which is when the audience knows something that the characters do not. In the given scenario, the audience is aware that Juliet is alive while the Capulets, the nurse, and Paris believe she is dead. This difference in knowledge creates dramatic irony in the scene.